Charity Services

“Only when you raise the level of awareness and emotional intelligence in a person, will they use the skills and resources available to them.”

Annelise has been an expert and driving force in South Africa’s charity sector for almost 30 years. She has initiated and ran large national fundraising campaigns like Casual Day (18 years) and National Tekkie Tax Day (four years) while raising more than R200 000 million for the beneficiary organisations. Together with her team of dedicated staff members, they have changed the face of fundraising in South Africa.

She has a passion for empowering people through personal development. Via her successful NGO Empowerment program, she trains the staff members working at welfare organisations to run their NGO like a business.

Although all training will have an element of personal development in them, she can either focus on personal or organisational development.
Annelise is an excellent choice as a guest speaker for your next AGM and her presentation is guaranteed to be tailor-made to suit your organisation and the specific audience.

NGO Seminars And Workshops

A seminar is normally between 60 and 90 minutes long, depending on the chosen topic. Less than 60 minutes can be done but might not do the topic justice. A full-day workshop will allow enough time to cover the chosen topic in more detail and ensure the practical application thereof.

Why do some NGOs thrive, and others starve?
Are you making the best of running your NGO or do you blame the economy for not surviving? This seminar will focus on the reasons why some welfare organisations are expanding their services while others are barely keeping their doors open. We will focus on
Working IN the organisation versus ON the organisation

The importance of fundraising and marketing
The fine balance between being a ‘social worker’ and a ‘dictator’
How to run your welfare organisation like a business, and much more!

Leadership is not a title or a position.
For any organisation to run smoothly, you need leaders on every level. This subject is about empowering staff members to accept responsibility and ownership of the role they play in the organisation, regardless of where they slot into the hierarchy.

Staff – the best or worst part of your organisation?
This seminar is aimed at any individual that has staff members reporting to him/her. Managing staff is the most crucial skill that managers need to be empowered with. The practical applications that we discuss will guarantee the growth of managers to manage their staff more effectively.

“If your staff members are not performing to the best of their ability, the problem lies with the people managing them”

Time management is an illusion!
Without self-mastery, time management is an illusion. The purpose of this session is to look at the psychology of time and the importance of self-mastery. We will look at the importance of ‘slow thinking’ and the effect that it has on our ‘fast thinking’. The seminar will end with some practical applications that the audience can implement.

“How you THINK about time will determine how you USE time”

Excuses. . . Fear. . . and a few other nasty words.
It is easy to fall into the habit of excuses. The result of this is feelings of guilt and ineffectiveness on a personal and professional level. The aim of this seminar is to make the audience aware of these habits. We also address the fact that fear is the symptom of something else that is wrong. It is a practical presentation which will leave your staff with more insight and understanding of themselves.


Rituals and Habits will either make us or break us!
We all have habits, so it might as well be good ones! This seminar touches on personal as well as organisational habits. We also look at 5 daily rituals that will guarantee your growth as a person and employee. Without self-mastery, time management is an illusion. The purpose of this session is to look at the psychology of time and the importance of self-mastery. We will look at the importance of ‘slow thinking’ and the effect that it has on our ‘fast thinking’. The seminar will end with some practical applications that the audience can implement.

“We create our habits and then our habits creates us”

NGO Training Series

To ensure personal growth, long term change and tangible results, we highly recommend booking a series of training sessions with Annelise. There are four full-day (09h00 to 15h00) sessions in each training series. The sessions are three weeks apart to ensure maximum application and to raise the level of awareness in each individual attending. Ideally, the group size should be between 10 and 12 people to guarantee personal attention and maximum benefit. Additional reading material will ensure that learning does not only take place during the training, but also in between each session.

The essentials of fundraising

Unsuccessful fundraising is the symptom of other things in the organisation that needs attention: development of people, ineffective use of technology and the absence of a marketing strategy. This training series will focus on:
  • The psychology of money
  • How to find and keep donors
  • Important technology and systems to raise money
  • New and innovative ideas to stand out in your fundraising efforts
Marketing and branding your organisation
To successfully promote your welfare organisation, you need to do a combination of things, consistently, over a long period of time. Having a Facebook page is not enough! In this training series we will focus on:
  • The importance of marketing and how your personal brand can affect your organisation’s brand.
  • Various ways of marketing your NGO successfully: social media, direct marketing, printed products, etc.
  • The importance of personal relationships.
  • Using testimonials effectively.
  • Creating a 12-month marketing strategy

“You cannot expect to run your organisation successfully if you do not also focus on its marketing and branding strategy”

Running your NGO like a business

We all agree that a welfare organisation should be run like a business but what does that actually mean? In this training series we focus on the most important elements of a successful business:
  • Staff
  • Technology
  • Marketing
  • Making money!

“You will be empowered to let go of “charity thinking”, implement business strategies and take on the world!”

Leadership, management and other scary stuff!
For any organisation to run smoothly, you need leaders on every level. This subject is about empowering staff members to accept responsibility and ownership of the role they play in the organisation, regardless of where they slot into the hierarchy. A good manager is somebody who can influence the behaviour of the people around him/her – somebody who is both people and task orientated. The training series will focus on:

  • Developing leadership skills in all staff members
  • Teamwork makes the dream work!
  • Time management is an illusion . . .
  • Successful management of staff members

Personal development of staff members
The success of your organisation will depend solely on the competence of your staff members. It is therefore extremely important to invest time and resources in their development. Subjects that will be discussed during this four full-day training series are:

  • How do your thoughts, words and actions impact your work and personal your life?
  • The importance of leadership on each level of the organisation
  • Time management versus self-mastery
  • Self-image and confidence


Who are you and what do you want?
This training series is an incredibly exciting journey in self-discovery and personal growth.
We do not get what we want, because we do not know what we want! Do you have a plan for your life, written down goals or a collage that says it all in pictures? This empowerment course will give you clarity about who you are and what the direction of your life should be.

At the end of this journey, you will understand the role that your thoughts are playing in your success (and failures!). Trainees will come to the awareness of what their real highest values are and how the ‘deal-breakers’ of their lives impact on the decisions they make.
The training revolves around clarity of purpose and each participant will create a vision board (that will be presented to the class in the fourth session) reflecting who they are and what they want from life.

Guarantee: This course will challenge you to view your life differently and will inspire you to great heights of personal growth.

The training will only be of value to you if you are. . .

  • Hungry for personal growth and want to make more of your life
  • Interested in turning your fantasies into realities
  • Willing to invest the necessary time in yourself
  • Open to the idea of change. . .


“Imagine you only had one life, how would you live it?”


Riëtha Wagener

“Dit was vir my ‘n groot voorreg om deel te kon wees van jou omvattende program.  Jy het dit met soveel entoesiasme aangebied en was altyd so goed voorbereid.”

Suraiya Mohammed

I have received more than expected from your training

Phillip Mphahlele

“I am a better person today because of the Empowerment Program. It has helped me to understand the importance of running an NGO like a business, not a charity”

Suzette Oosthuizen 

Ons wil nie hê dat die kursus moet stop nie. Dit beteken die wêreld vir ons.  Lewensveranderend!


Marietha Johnston

“Die NGO Empowerment program is ‘n baie goeie saamgestelde pakket waarby alle welsynsorganisasies en individue kan baat. ‘n Belegging vir jou NGO”

Erica Strydom

“This training have opened my eyes and I am so grateful for everything I have learned”

Anette Degenaar

“I realised that I need to manage myself better in order to serve my welfare organisation”

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